I was extremely surprised to find my yoga blog in the UK top 100! I have no idea who decides on these things, and other entrants seem to post many times a week- as compared to my average- once a month…
You can click on this link to see the list- I come in at number 44. https://blog.feedspot.com/uk_yoga_blogs/
Iyengar yoga teachers are generally quite low key individuals adverse to self promotion.
I certainly don’t have self promotion at the front of my mind, I do however hope to promote Iyengar Yoga itself.
There are a lot of people out there – potential students- who could benefit so much from Iyengar yoga- I hope if they see my yoga blog in the UK top 100 that they might be persuaded to find out more.
Iyengar Yoga is a unique system – its initial focus on alignment and precision is very reassuring to beginners and improvers alike. Students seem relieved that they get to watch clear demonstrations rather than just having to ‘keep up’ with the teacher at the front. When certain poses become challenging the use of props means they feel they can fully participate. The variety of hundreds of different poses means no two classes are ever the same- so in Iyengar Yoga we are constantly learning!