Iyengar Yoga for Sports People

I was prompted to write this blog post by this article on sportspeople who find Yoga beneficial:


Iyengar Yoga is renowned as a safe way of working, partly due to the use of props to help stiffer students.  Iyengar Yoga can help with many of the common complaints of sportspeople, from muscle tightness to more serious injuries.

Sportsmen and women are more susceptible to injury, and how well they recover can depend on how healthy they are before the incident.  So, injury prevention is key.  Practising specific Yoga poses in specific ways can ensure the athlete is less likely to be injured in the first place.  Likewise, if unsuitable poses are performed without the correct attention to detail, injuries can result.

Hatha Yoga (physical Yoga) is about disciplining the body in a way that also then trains the mind.  So Yoga can help with cultivating the strength and endurance that athletes require.

Some Yoga stretches can even be done during matches- sportspeople often make extreme shapes with their bodies during their event- similar to some of the shapes we make in Yoga asanas.

Restorative Yoga practice can also help with overtraining.

Many common complaints can be helped with Yoga for Sports.  But Yoga can also be used to improve the sportsperson psychologically, a balanced Yoga practice generates confidence and helps deal with nerves before a big match or the stress of competition.

I have taught professional athletes in one-to-one yoga sessions in and around Horsham, West Sussex.

A lot of sportspeople choose private Yoga tuition to help them with specific issues they may have.

If you feel this could be of help to you, please do get in touch.