Anna Macedo Yoga Blog Posts

I am very passionate about Iyengar Yoga and passing on my knowledge to others. If you are interested in keeping up to date on Iyengar Yoga, you might find my Yoga Blog Posts interesting. I cover a range of subject matters which include Yoga Health Benefits, Yoga Tips, Yoga Improvements and more. You can read my Yoga Blog Posts below.

How often should I practice Yoga???

We know that Yoga is not like any 'normal' exercise- it affects the body and mind in a very different way.  But these differences build up with practice.  You can practice on your own, at [...]

The importance of opening your chest in yoga

  The more I practice the more I realise how important it is that I try and keep my chest as open as possible.  Does that sound obvious?  An open chest allows us to breathe [...]

This week I teach restorative yoga- but what is it?

Well, technically, Restorative Yoga focuses on relaxing the body in restful postures.  But many familiar asanas can be performed in a way that makes them restorative.  For example, this week I'll be teaching the forward bend, [...]

“Can yoga help me lose weight?”

This is probably the second most common question I'm asked by beginners starting Yoga in January! (See my previous blogs for the other questions). And it is a question that makes my heart sink....partly because [...]

Can you really do yoga on a sandy beach?

Well, half the yoga teachers in the world seem to do yoga holidays on the beach, don't they? Their adverts are often accompanied by pictures of them in very skimpy bikinis too!  Not something that [...]

Do you need to ‘like’ your yoga teacher???

Everyone has their own ideas on how to choose a yoga are mine! 1.  Choose a style of yoga- see my previous blog on "The first qualification for being a yoga teacher" 2.  Find [...]

Why flip-flops are bad for your feet!

In my classes I spend a lot of time trying to get students to be aware of their feet and the effect they have on the body. Have a look at this picture.  Some of [...]

“I’m too stiff to do yoga!”

Perhaps the most common thing I hear from people is this phrase! And I can sympathise, I really can, as I started out as a very stiff person myself, some twenty years ago.  It is [...]

Should yoga be an Olympic sport?

This story appeared on the web on March 1st 2012 as a public relations stunt for an organisation called USA Yoga.It's just now been taken up by world media due to the Olympics starting in [...]

The thymus gland…breathing into the chest

The Greek word 'Thymos' means 'life energy' !  The thymus gland is an organ in the upper chest cavity that processes lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that fights infections in the body. This [...]

This weeks pose…Bhekasana…(frog pose)

  Wow it was hard to find a good image of this pose to use on my blog! This is a great pose for massaging the knees, opening the front of the body and massaging [...]

in this weeks class…an introduction to pranayama

  Sometimes students ask me about  meditation.  Why don't we meditate in class?  For me asana is meditation in action, teaching me constant mindfulness that I can try and carry into my day to day [...]

Posture and alignment- this weeks class

  This week I will be teaching classes that look at posture and especially at the alignment of the pelvis. Why the pelvis? Well, as this diagram shows, a forward tilt to the pelvis affects [...]