One to one private yoga classes in Hove

Starting in 2024, I will be offering One to one private yoga classes in Hove, East Sussex on Thursdays. This in addition to my Hove workshops

One to one private yoga classes in Hove2023-10-19T16:06:38+00:00

Yoga for injury prevention

Yoga for injury prevention Yoga for injury prevention

On Saturday, the 18th of March 2023 I am teaching my first workshop at a lovely new venue in Hove on western Road.

the workshop theme is ‘’yoga for injury prevention’’.

You may know […]

Yoga for injury prevention2023-03-06T08:42:48+00:00

Yoga workshops in Brighton & Hove

So I am now regularly running yoga workshops in Brighton & Hove. These will be on Sunday afternoons, 2-4pm. The venue is The Tree of life centre on Portland Road, BN3. This centre has a small fully equipped Yoga studio, with free parking on nearby side streets (or about a ten minute walk from Aldrington Station).

Yoga workshops in Brighton & Hove2024-07-29T09:24:50+00:00

Yoga poses to practice at home

During lockdown I’ve been asked by my students which are the best Yoga poses to practice at home ? Many people do not have Yoga equipment and feel this holds them back, but this is not necessarily the case.

Yoga poses to practice at home2021-02-09T16:03:29+00:00

How Yoga can help Insomnia

The body and mind connection that is achieved through a careful and mindful Yoga practice is able to reveal the underlying causes of our stress.  It is then that we can start to address these causes and improve our lives.

How Yoga can help Insomnia2023-03-06T16:26:39+00:00

Iyengar Yoga workshops in Horsham

So I am running more workshops on Saturday afternoons in 2020 - almost one per month. The venue is still the lovely Tythe barn on Pondtail Road.

Iyengar Yoga workshops in Horsham2023-03-06T16:34:46+00:00

Benefits of One to One Yoga

Now my yoga classes in Horsham have a short break between terms you may wonder about the Benefits of One to One Yoga. Some of the students from my group classes need encouragement to practice over the break so they book a one to one yoga session with me in between each term.

Benefits of One to One Yoga2021-02-10T08:29:10+00:00

Yoga for Sports

Iyengar Yoga is renowned as a safe way of working, partly due to the use of props to help stiffer students.  Iyengar Yoga can help with many of the common complaints of sports people, from muscle tightness to more serious injuries.

Yoga for Sports2023-03-06T17:10:42+00:00

Home Yoga practice tips

As my Yoga classes in Horsham break for two weeks I thought it might be a good time to offer some home Yoga practice tips.

Home Yoga practice tips2023-03-06T17:15:08+00:00

Yoga for children and teenagers

I teach yoga for children and teenagers- sometimes in family groups in their own homes.  Children aged 12 or over are welcome to come to any of my classes or workshops, with a parent or guardian. 

Yoga for children and teenagers2021-02-10T08:44:36+00:00